Work on PanACoTA code

This part is for people who want to work on developing PanACoTA package: adding new features, correcting bugs etc. PanACoTA is also hosted in gitlab, where all CI is done. Here is the link:

Installing PanACoTA in development mode

If you want to install PanACoTA while still working on modifying the scripts, use ./make develop instead of ./make install once you have cloned the git repository.

Your changes will then be taken into account. As you installed the package, you will be able to run it from any directory in your computer.

If you don’t want to install the software, you can still work on it, test it, and contribute to the tests and documentation by only installing the libraries needed for the software, and those needed for development by running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt  # dependencies used by PanACoTA
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt  # libraries used to run tests, generate documentation etc.


biopython is only used for ‘tree’ subcommand, with option --soft fastme or --soft quicktree. If you do not plan to use this, you do not need to install biopython. You can comment the biopython>=1.60 line in requirements.txt (add a # at the beginning of the line).

Running Tests

If you want to work on the scripts, you can use the tests provided with the software, used to check each of its functionalities. Tests are done with pytest framework.

To run the tests, run, from the root of the project:

py.test test/test_unit
py.test test/test_functional

or, if you did not install the package:

PYTHONPATH+=. py.test test/test_unit
PYTHONPATH+=. py.test test/test_functional

Add -v to get more detailed information on each test run.

If you want to run only a specific test file, run:

py.test test/test_<unit or functional>/<>

If you want to run only a specific test, run:

py.test test/test_<unit or functional>/<>::<test_name>

When you run tests (all of them or individual ones), it will also always generate the coverage report. Open htmlcov/index.html on your browser if you want to check code coverage of your new function/module. The online version can be found here, and is automatically updated at each push on master branch of the gitlab repository.


If you add new features, or modify existing scripts please complete/update the tests!

We created one test file per module. If you create a new module, please create the corresponding test file in test/test_unit for unit tests, and test/test_functional for functional tests. The only condition is that your test filename must start with test_, and each test name must start with test_. This is required so that they are automatically run with py.test, and is useful to differentiate tests and helper functions. If you modified a module, please modify/update the corresponding tests.

Contributing to documentation

This documentation is generated with sphinx. You can add your contribution to it. To generate the html documentation locally, go to doc/sources directory, and run:

make html

Then, open doc/build/html/index.html on your browser.

The online version will be automatically updated when modifications on rst files are pushed on master branch.